Having just returned from Thanksgiving in Galena (more on that soon), the Macro- and Micronaxx opted to stay home for Christmas this year. Happily, our pal Maria—accompanied for the first time by her canine co-pilot Tippy—flew out to join us. Highlights of the holiday included:
- Visiting the typographical Shangri-La that is The Box SF—an old curiosity shop run by a colorful designer named Mark who happens to have been born a few blocks from where Maria now lives. The two of them know many of the same Kansas City artists & Hallmark folks.
- Whipping up cookies & pies—which fared far better than on previous trips that featured more, um, freeform interpretations of the recipes.

- Taking in the San Jose Nutcracker in the beautiful California Theater.
- Finding an orchid shop & adding a new member to our brood.
- Cruising around the Los Gatos “Fantasy of Lights” with the boys & Maria hanging out the sides & top of the car.
- Sharing & unwrapping many thoughtful, generous gifts, including the “MJB” coffee can that Hen & I found for Maria (initials: MJB) during our first visit to The Box. Margot’s new otter Irma was a hit as well.
- Stopping by Severn’s house to check out his caboose & backyard train.
- Watching Die Hard—which is, conclusively, A Christmas Movie™!

Check out our Christmas gallery to see the whole story!