
Don’t worry, we’re doctors…

I get an unreasonably big kick out of assigning absurd title/surname combos to the boys (e.g. Captain Boogerfiend, General Birdwallis, and so on). “Doctor” works especially well, as featured in examples like:

  • Dr. Dipechek: The guy we call in to check on a dipe (diaper); “Paging Dr. Dipecheck, Dr. Dipecheck come in please, you’re needed in Finny’s pants…”
  • Dr. Neutron McCrazypants: Finn in hyperkinetic mode after getting hopped up on horchata
  • Dr. Pebblewetter: Finn spraying down the gravel next to the driveway

…and so on.

Turnabout’s fair play, of course: Finn spotted me putting on a pair of unbelted shorts the other day and immediately said, “Dad-O’s ‘Dr. Pants-Fall-Down.'”


Flour Power!

Dad-o and Finny were feeling adventurous–and hungry–yesterday, so they decided that some chocolate-chip cookie-making was in order. You’ll notice in the gallery (HTML) that Finny’s got his helmet on, just like the “little dudes” in one of his favorite books, Who Made This Cake by Chihiro Nakagawa.

In the book, a squadron of teeny tiny construction workers are employed to make a birthday cake. Donning their helmets, they set off with their dump trucks, bulldozers, cranes, helicopters, and semaphore flags to complete the mission. While not as tiny as the dudes in the book, our small construction worker had a blast with the measuring cups, spoons, and stand mixer. Dad-o, as general contractor, ensured that all the ingredients were accounted for, and I, acting as quality control, made sure that the cookies actually got baked and were suitable for consumption. Vacuuming Finny seemed like the easiest way to get him de-floured, and he seemed to enjoy the little brush.

Later in the afternoon, I fired up my new Weber kettle (thanks John!) and we had a Nack family cookout–corn on the cob, steak, fish, and pork chops. There’s nothing better than a warm Saturday, good barbecue, and goofando in the backyard. Except for topping it all off with cookies!


All my pickle babies, all my pickle babies…

Last summer we gave Finn his first taste of pickle, with colorful results. Ever since then we’ve had a nice rapport with the folks at the “meat hut” (the smokehouse down the street), with us calling the proprietors “Pickle Man” and “Pickle Lady,” and the latter calling Finn her “pickle baby.” They’re always quick to furnish Finn with a pickle while we wait, and we brought them a print of the image below. Unfortunately I misplaced the digital copy until now:

(Here’s a larger version.)


Fire Inspectors

Thanks to Caroline Gardhouse-Begg, mother of playgroup buddy Alex, for capturing the Finnster & me making sure the SJFD is running a tight ship:

(Here’s a larger version.)


Of Corndogs & Fatherhood

Father’s Day with the Nack boys was a lot of fun. Sunday marked John’s first Father’s Day with two squires! We packed in as many kid-friendly adventures as possible. Here’s a little gallery (HTML) of the day’s proceedings, including Dad-o and Finny enjoying Dad-o’s surprise piece of chocolate cake, our visit to Wienerschnitzel for corndogs (at Finny’s request), and some late afternoon pool-time in the backyard.

Henry was working on his ballet moves and sunning his tummy, while Finny was primarily interested in bailing out the pool and watering the grass. You’ll see Leo sunbathing on the backyard stair-rail, necessitated by Finny’s sly dunking of Leo in the pool in an effort to give him a bath! Between catching some rays and a little time in the dryer, Leo was dry and ready for bedtime at the end of the day.

Audio Clips

A Father’s Day greeting from Henry

When he’s not passing out during a morning hike (poor little guy–but we all had fun), there’s something (or rather someone) Henry would like to tell you about–repeatedly. 🙂 (Press the little arrow beneath the photo to play sound.) [audio:|titles=DaDaDa]



So, does Finn’s future career entail selling South African noisemakers or Swiss cough drops? 🙂

(Here’s a larger version.)


Fire Squire!

Want to see a little kid go totally mental? Promise him a trip to the fire station!

On Monday morning a big crew of little characters, some decked out in helmets and boots, gathered at the nearby Willow Glen fire station. Finny had been bouncing off the walls beforehand, saying, “Go! To! The! Fi-re! Sta-tion!! Let’s go there right now!!” At the station he got to shake hands with a (somewhat intimidating) fireman in full mask & gear, and he took a real shine to the truck-battery-charging power cord that hung down from the ceiling. Our visit concluded with the fire crew heading out on a real live call, sirens blazing. That meant no getting in the truck for us, but overall, what could be better? Here’s a little gallery (HTML).


Heavy Metal Thunder, Part II

What’s better than one big road ripper visiting the neighborhood? Answer: two big road rippers, of course, accompanied by a backhoe, steamroller, and Bobcat–all unattended and ready for father-son trespassing!

The roads near our house are undergoing some much-needed resurfacing, so yesterday Finn & I were able to sneak over and check out the little motor pool. We thought Uncle Ted would be proud as we “steered” the vehicles, manipulated the little joysticks (“That one peeking out a little bit!” Finn noted as they moved in sync), and explored the various tracks, buckets, and brooms. Not wanting Finn to get squashed, and being constantly warned by the various signs, I took just a handful of shots (HTML) to share.


Wardrobe Malfunctions n’ More

The Micronaxx are always having new adventures and taking on new personas. Here’s a little gallery (HTML) of dipe-clad, pony-riding, Harley-loving buccaneers and their adult sidekicks galavanting around the Nack casa.


What rocks (far from being the pits)

Being on the road at the moment, I’m delighted to get happy tidings from the home front. I enjoyed today’s update from Margot & thought you might, too. –J.

Some fun developments while you’ve been out:

  1. The cherry pitter! I was eating cherries yesterday and offered Finn some. I decided to pit them so he wouldn’t have to deal with either choking or trying to spit the pits out. He was (is) fascinated with the pitter and he even pitted a few himself (with my help on squeezing).
  2. Being rocks [a la the clever monkey Zephir hiding from the Gogottes in Babar & Zephir]. This morning Finny, Henry, and I were all hiding under the rock disguise [green blanket from Grandma L.]. Henry was pretty excited about it!
  3. Henry slept until 7am!!!

Henry Hilarity

This weekend our pals Maria and Alex dropped by for a quick overnight visit, arriving in time to get an eyeful of our nature-boy elder son (“Finny a nudist!”) cavorting in the sprinkler. Having taught him to match my water-spitting ways means more chuckles–and more wet shirts–for me.

Meanwhile Henry was his chipper self, exploring (the very patient) Alex’s beard (“pull cord for service”?) before guffawing with Dad-O. Finn & Alex also disappeared for a bit to do some drawing, showing Maria’s Kansas City house being sucked up and (as he’d hope) carried to SF via tornado. Thanks largely to Maria, here’s a little gallery (HTML) of the hijinks.


“Sir, there appears to be a lion on your head…”

Apropos of nothing… 🙂

Leo, Tom, and Finn on Memorial Day


Nackyard Party!

Just because we fail to plan ahead each Memorial Day does not mean we are planning to fail! It seems the official kickoff to summer always catches us by surprise, and we usually end up bemoaning the fact that we haven’t gone anywhere or planned anything exciting.

This year, however, we decided to celebrate Memorial Day in our own “Nackyard.” We invited a bunch of friends over for a barbeque and plenty of kid-based tomfoolery. It was a gorgeous afternoon, unbelievably welcome after the wettest spring in memory, so we got out the sprinkler mat, the swimsuits, hotdogs and hamburgers, and had a really good time.

Here’s a little gallery (HTML) of the proceedings–including pals Tom, Sarah, and Harper; Bruce, Mira, and Anya; Chris, Devorah, Dominic, and Charlotte; and our own intrepid ringleader Finny and his sidekick Henry (both sporting their new Harley Davidson shirts!).