
Take Your Hen To Work Day

BikerA couple of weeks ago, Hen accompanied me to Google for this year’s Take Your Kid To Work Day. Finn had planned to join us, but as he’d been sick the preceding two days, he felt strongly that he should attend school. “My team is counting on me, and if I’m not there, another kid is going to screw up our poster!” he said.

Thus Hen & I rolled on our own—literally, thanks to his bright idea of bringing his dirt bike to ride around campus. Who knew we had our own pair of little dirt tracks to race around? We connected with the boys’ pal Zack & his mom, fellow Googler DeAnna, for a round of cookie-making & biking, followed by Henry performing some “dogfooding” down at the Imaginarium (Google’s lab for building kids’ apps). Getting drenched by a sudden downpour en route only added to the fun.

Check out a little gallery of the day. [And previously: Last year Finn became an honorary Junior Product Manager.]


Game Baller Hen

Who’s got two thumbs & was excited to be commended for his on-field hustle? This guuuuuuy. 🙂



Visiting Uncle John

We’ve been awfully sad that our beloved Uncle John Murray has been in poor health lately. It’s hard living so far away from our great—and great big—extended family, and I wish the boys could spend more time getting to know everyone. I felt grateful that Finn & I were able to make an impromptu trip to Chi-town last weekend to see Uncle John & spend time with much of the Murray clan, especially as Saturday happened to be my cousin Liz’s son Patrick’s First Communion.

Here’s a gallery (slideshow) of some photos I captured during the reception, and later in the park by the Murrays’ house (where Patrick, Mary, and Jimmy patiently gave Finn an intro to lacrosse). “We have a really nice family,” he told me later. I’m inclined to agree. <:-) Murrays


KOBIs ride again!

We’ve had another rather epic Sunday with the lads. While Mom-O and our friend Jolene toured the de Young Museum, Team KOBI (i.e. King/Kids Of Bad Ideas—newly augmented with our equally mischievous friend Justin) rented a four-man bike & toured Golden Gate Park. We even crashed this year’s Bay to Breakers race, briefly carrying various weird characters who hopped aboard, until a cop kicked us out.

Justin also had the inspired idea of sneaking up “James Bond-style” on a group of unsuspecting musicians who were practicing in the park’s band shell. I love that their music swelled up to provide a dramatic score to our hijinx. 😀


5K Hooray

The guys were champs at this year’s Willow Glen 5k, cranking through the 3-mile walk en route to some fun carnival games back in Tiger Park (behind their school). Check out a few little glimpses I grabbed along the way:


Pulling the pin on adventure

Henry Nack, behold the trebuchet. (I’m sure there’s no way this meeting can end in mischief. 😉 )


“A Beter Life” awaits

In the dystopian classic Blade Runner, where neon signs wink through the ever-present rain, the voice in a disembodied advertisement promises, “A new life awaits you in the off-world colonies!” I chuckled thinking of this when I found the sign below propped up at the entrance to Finn’s room. I guess we’d better stay out for a while. 🙂

A Better Life


Enter Sandmen

This? Oh, no biggie: it’s just what happens when Henry playfully forces his (fully cooperative & laughing) brother’s face into the sand. :-p
