Seamus Videos

Meet the famous Mr. Seamus!

He’s here, he’s here!

After many months of deliberation and research, we finally have our own pup—the happy & wiggly Mr. Seamus Liem Murdog Nack! He flew in on Thursday afternoon, and we’ve been having a ball having him explore the yard, make himself at home in Finn’s room, and generally make our lives at least 200% more fluffy. 😌 He’s kept us busy enough that I’ve hardly gotten to take my customary raft of photos, but you know those are coming! Meanwhile, check out his arrival:


High, Son

On many recent weekends, the boys have gone looking for their friend Henry D., only to scurry home after about 60 seconds with the bad news, “He’s rock climbing.” This has happened so often that “rock climbing” has become shorthand for getting cheated out of hanging out with a friend.

So, this past weekend, when Henry D. invited the boys to come with him, they jumped at (read: were brutally cajoled into taking 😌) the opportunity—and they did great! Here are a couple of quick pics courtesy of Henry’s dad David:


Cavortin’ in Davenport

Yesterday we seized on our first sunny day in a while to tool up Highway 1 with Grandpa Liggett, visiting Finn’s favorite restaurant (the Davenport Roadhouse), then heading south to check out beachfront Capitola. Hen went bonkers upon seeing the giant train trestle, so he & I spent some quality time exploring up there with my drone while the other guys chilled down below. Here’s the latest installment of Henry Nack Model Train Central…

…plus some footage I captured of him…

…and a 360º panorama I shot from above:


A major award

I have no idea what occasioned it, but we were delighted to come home & find that Hen had made Mom-O a lovely hand-lettered certificate affirming her status as Best Mom Ever. 🥰


Photos Videos

The Mad Scientists of Willow Glen

On Tuesday night we were delighted to check out the fruits of the dudes’ recent forays into science (see gallery).

In the video below, car-lovin’ Henry discusses his explorations of Matchbox physics and the impact of a car’s age, weight, and axle cleanliness on its downhill speed.

And here Finnster talks us through his & Ethan’s experiments to see which substances best keep a paper lion’s feet dry & thus keep him afloat the longest.