Videos Westy

The Goooooooolden Gate Bridge

As we crossed the Golden Gate en route to Petaluma last weekend, my copilot Finn was game to stick my 360º camera out the window of the Westy. I inadvertently set the cam to time-lapse mode, but as luck would have it the results loop perfectly. Check it out!

Photos Westy

Hobbit Cobin!

Having gone 💯 stir-crazy during quarantine, we decided last week to take advantage of Margot’s day off on Friday by loading up the Westy and getting the heck out of Dodge. Happily I was able to find a really neat-sounding listing for something called the “Hobbit Cobin“—a hand-built adobe structure up in Petaluma.

After making our way up through SF & over the Golden Gate Bridge on Friday, we arrived and set about chilling extra hard with Seamus and a good helping of wine, cheese, and books. Finn & I took the first night in the van with Seamy while Margot & Hen enjoyed the cozy one-bed cabin (er, cobin), and the next night we swapped. Saturday saw us exploring cute (if unnaturally quiet) downtown Petaluma, checking out giant Burning Man artwork, and trying our hands at ping pong and ladderball.

Here’s a little gallery from our much-needed time away!


Lego Lebowski 🎳

Instead of breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day this year, Henry served up something much more unique: a custom-made Lego bowling alley featuring beloved & bizarre characters from the cult favorite The Big Lebowski!

I was able to buy the figures online, but the bowling alley was entirely Hen’s creation. He watched scenes from the film in order to really nail the tacky orange-and-white decor & everything. Margot was entirely charmed, just as we’d hoped. ☺️

Check out the gallery!


¡Mijo Bilingue!

Much like his big bro did a year earlier, Henry has been dutifully chugging along towards getting his 5th Grade Seal Of Biliteracy. Sadly, with all the quarantine-induced chaos this year, it seemed that that the program would be cancelled. Not to worry, though: Mom-O stepped right up and made Hen a great certificate to enjoy—and later the school reversed itself & said that the’d be giving out the awards after all!

Check out our hijo bilingue showing off his skills!