
A little candor

When it comes to writing a blog, you’re sometimes advised things like, “Be Yourself, Only Better… Don’t share every little facet of your life, only the charming parts.” On the whole that makes sense, but it can feel a little misleading. That’s why I found this observation insightful:

“Any parent who has posted photos and videos of her child on Facebook is keenly aware of the resulting disconnect from reality, the way chronicling parenthood this way creates a story line of delightfully misspoken words, adorably worn hats, dancing, blown kisses. Tearful falls and tantrums are rarely recorded, nor are the stretches of pure, mind-blowing tedium. We protect ourselves, and our kids, this way; happiness is impersonal in a way that pain is not. But in the process, we wind up contributing to the illusion that kids are all joy, no effort.”

Or, as famous mom-blogger Heather Armstrong described childbirth, “It Sucked and Then I Cried.”

Anyway, we couldn’t be crazier about our guys, and as they get older (and the days longer and the weather warmer), things are only getting better. I just wanted to acknowledge that we do have our ups and downs. And now, back to chronicling the delightfully misspoken words! 🙂

2 replies on “A little candor”

So true! I often think of this when I blog. I don’t want the kids to look back on their blog when they are parents and think, “What am I doing wrong? This isn’t all rainbows and sunshine.” It is however, much easier to share the moments that make us smile and try to forget the moments that make cringe.

I’ve actually been blogging about the not-so-easy stuff as well, trying to find the humor and the joy. But you are right, so often we share the positives: the excellent report cards, celebrations, clever turns of a phrase. You write beautifully and with good humor. Don’t be afraid to share “the dark side.” The responses will most likely produce a pleasant surprise.

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