Heh–I got a kick out of this article from the satirical paper The Onion:
ATLANTA–A Zogby poll of 1,542 American grandparents published Monday found that grandsons were described as “very” to “extremely” talented by 1,542 of the respondents. “Participants in the poll were emphatic in their descriptions of the talents of grandsons in fields as diverse as advertising and sales, choral performance, baseball, talking, crawling, making their beds, video games, and instructing their elders on proper cell-phone use,” pollster Tom Waterton said… Sources at Zogby admitted that the survey was incomplete, as several hundred pollsters are still unable to get their assigned grandparents off the phone.
One reply on “Poll: 100% Of Grandsons Talented”
Well, the polster just hung up on me after 45 minutes. I barely got started on the talents of my grandsons!!
[Hah! 🙂 –J.]