Birthdays Miscellaneous

All Aboard for Finny’s Birthday Party!

This afternoon we celebrated Finny’s 2nd birthday (even though he’s not officially 2 until Tuesday). What a fun day we had! After weeks of nonstop rain, the clouds broke and we had a gorgeous, warm, sunny day.

I made a fun Thomas the Tank Engine train cake, thanks to some helpful pictures and advice from Finn’s Auntie Laura. The cake turned out far better than I had imagined–we had Thomas, his coal tender, and three freight cars. Finny was raptly watching me frost them, and although I was trying to explain that they were train cars, he didn’t really get it until the blue frosting went onto the Thomas cake. Then, when I put Thomas’s face on the front, it dawned on him that the cake really was a train. He started saying “Thomas! That’s Thomas!” and spent quite a while looking at the cake from all angles. It was my favorite moment of the entire day.

Lots of Finny’s playgroup pals and their parents came to the shindig, as did many other of our friends–Hoot, Alex, and Milos, the Hogartys, Reen, and our neighbors. And special guest Grandma Nack, who flew out from Illinois just for the party. It was wonderful to have a big Sunday afternoon playdate with the added bonus of cake, presents, and beautiful sunshine. We were thrilled that everyone could go out and enjoy the yard, especially since our living room is not very big when it’s filled with so many toddlers and parents!

Finn blew out his candles like a pro, and had a really good time at his party. I think everyone else did, too, and we were reminded of how many wonderful, kind people we have in our lives.

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