From the little guys to the big guy. 🙂
Month: November 2013
Roar Like A Champion Today
The lads have really been enjoying Katy Perry’s “Roar,” and never more so then when decked out in awesome face paint. Check out a tiny gallery from Saturday.
Scary movie? Better bring backup.
Tonight as we watched The Polar Express (a fun Christmas movie with more than its fair share of weird, off-putting moments), G-Man got a little spooked and retreated to a position of safety behind the couch:
We assured him that he had nothing to fear, and he quickly returned from his hideout to enjoy the rest of the show. 🙂
Kid Kanye
G-Man gets fashion-forward at Barber Tom’s:
A couple of years back, a little dude (seen at right) became Internet-famous as “Success Kid.” This is what’s called a meme (I’ll note for my parents’ benefit :-)), an image or idea that people pick up & riff upon.
It seems that Henry’s born to be a meme—maybe as Success Kid’s grumpier cousin, Distress Kid. The latest entry in his infamous “Haircuts” series…
…caught the imagination of some of my Facebook friends. Now he’s been compared to the Italian enforcer Luca Brasi…

…transformed into The Man With No Name…
…a French tragic hero…
…and even an 80’s rock star. 🙂
Special thanks to Michael, Karl, Foster, and Chris for the fun Photoshoppery!
Chariot of Squire
a.k.a., Finnster frolicking in the Santa Cruz waves this afternoon. 🙂
The dudes & I had a ball trick-or-treating last week—or as they put it, “Trick or Meat!”/”Trick or Mouse!” (y’know, being a lion & owl & all). This baffled neighbor after unsuspecting neighbor, but I loved that they stuck with it. When we returned home, the guys got their first shot at handing out candy themselves! Henry was so into it that when we ran out, he dipped into his own bucket to share with visiting kids. (Not bad—and quite charming—for a kid who’s always scrapping with his bro over who got more toast, butter, etc.) This quick video gives a taste of our evening:
Answer: This guuuuuy. 🙂
(Photo snapped in the immediate aftermath of trick-or-treating.)