Hey everyone—Happy Easter! We had low-key but fun celebrations here, hunting for & then cracking some beloved confetti-filled “rompecabeza” eggs on one another’s heads.

These things—which I discovered through cousin Alicia in Texas years ago—are really called “cascarones,” but we insist on calling them “rompecabezas” (literally “head breakers”), which is the word for puzzle. In any case, we had a smashing good time with the kinetic redistribution of their contents, and Seamus enjoyed trying to eat their colorful shells.

Later in the day we revived the new tradition we started in 2020—that of each person making an egg for each other person, filling it with a custom message & promise of a little gift (e.g. Hen promising Mom unlimited hugs anytime, now & forever).
Here’s a very small gallery showing the day’s events.