Christmas Photos

O Finnenbaum

Merry Christmas, everybody! We had a really fun first Christmas with Finny today. He was the epitome of jolly–smiles and laughter all day long. I’m sure the avalanche of fun new toys had a little something to do with it, too :D. Finn’s friends and relatives showered him with all kinds of great stuff–stacking toys, a new barnyard, books, blocks, and my personal favorite, a walk-along popper toy. If you were a toddler or a parent of one in the ’70’s, you know what I’m talking about–the little transparent bubble filled with plastic balls that hop and pop around as you push the toy around–what’s more fun than that?
John will post Xmas day pics soon–he’s been on his best “I’m on holiday” computer-free behavior today, and I’m not about to ask him to screw it up :D.
[Update: Okay, break time over! Here’s the gallery (HTML)! –J.]
And to all a good night!

One reply on “O Finnenbaum”

Happy xMas Finn, Margot and John!
Great to learn Finn got great stuff from the fat guy.
Bruno also got terrific presents (what? You didn’t believe we don’t do Christmas, did you? 🙂

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