Audio Clips

The Frumious Bandersnatch

Several weeks ago, Finn & I were playing in the park when some little girls came by and asked to borrow our trucks. That was cool, and Finny & I actually went off a little distance while the girls played in the sand. After a few minutes, the littlest girl popped out of the bushes and called to us, “Hey!,” then rattled off a stream of gibberish.

At that point Finn & I enjoyed a kind of magical moment: We looked at each other and exchanged a look of bemused bewilderment: What is that girl talking about??  In that moment we smiled and shook our heads at the craziness of the world.

Pretty soon the story solidified as, Q. “What was that girl talking about?” A. “Hey, Bot de BAH!”  This morning I poked my head into Finn’s dark room and said, “Bot de BAH!” “What that girl talkin’ about??” he immediately responded.  Here’s a sample of our conversation:

[audio:|titles=Bot de Bah!]

One reply on “The Frumious Bandersnatch”

Good to see you’re preparing Finn for the world by giving him the important tools he’ll need to navigate through life. (me: Melting from here.)

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