Time to whip out the Nack Family Secret Decoder Ring again. 🙂  Here are some recent additions to our slangy canon:
- Cheesy Zebras: Quesadillas. Â Noticing the toasted stripes made by our panini press when warming a tortilla, Finn declared, “That a zebra right there!” Â And thus were Cheesy Zebras born.
- Macaws: Green beans. Â This one isn’t new, actually, but I’ve forgotten to mention it previously. Â Finn took a big shine to the big-beaked birds in his books, and he decided that the long tapering ends of some green beans resemble Macaws. Â Thus at dinner he started saying things like, “Macaw! Eat the beak! Come *heeeere*, Macaw!! (haaup!).”
- K Dak-oh-Dahs: Okay, this one is a little complicated.  Finn used to pronounce “Cock-a-doodle-doo” as “Dak-oh-Dah!”–which, when you think about it, is probably closer to what a rooster actually says.  Anyway, due to the rooster on the package, Corn Flakes became “Dak-oh-Dahs.”  Thus Finn dubbed Mom-O’s box of Special K “K Dak-oh-Dahs.”
- Plutocrat: Sir Topham Hatt, or alternately Finny (“That a plutocrat right there!” he says, tapping his chest proudly). Â Power to the people!
- Adobe drips: For some reason, Finn decided that his bath bubbles are Adobe (“That a bunch of Adobe down there!”). Â He’s gotten way into dousing himself in the tub, and now he’s turned the little lobster cup on dad, pouring water & bubbles onto the front of my head. “That Adobe drippin’ down! Adobe drips!” Â Somehow I started channeling our neighbor ladies’ band and singing, “Pour some Adobe on meeee, in the name of love; Pour some Adobe on meeee, ’cause I need a hug.” Â (I’d write “Apologies to Def Leppard,” but isn’t it really they who owe all of us an apology?)
- Dinka-Dinka OHyang: I work with a nice lady named Jackie Lincoln-Owyang who has a couple of kids of her own.  She gave Finn a couple of books, and when I told Margot where they came from, Finn said, “Dinka Dinka OHyang!”  Later he started grabbing random objects (e.g. an empty Coke carton) and saying, “That a Jackie Lincoln!”  Here you can hear us talking about it. 🙂 (Press the little “Play” arrow below.)
4 replies on “Babyslang: Kitchen Bestiary Edition”
Hey, huh, that is what I can’t await: my son talking 🙂 right now he is just screaming in a REALLY high tone. Mom and Dad are using ear protectors allready.
I promise, I will check this site for consulting you, if I need a certifyed translator.
So far hare are some pictures of our son Jan Adrian Rust (more to come periodically).
That Jackie Lincoln-Owyang is a lucky lady, to have made it into the Finctionary and all that.
Maybe just for laffs we’ll start talking about you, and call you Jennifer-Seyler-Owyang!
If it takes, I’ll consider a permanent name change. 🙂