- Deutschland:
- “Moin moin moin moin moin moin!” says Finn.
“Could you stop that?” asks Margot.
“No,” he says, “I’m a German!” - “Peanuts are green,” sings Finn, “roses are red… and Germans are crazy!” (Sorry, Germans! :))
- Henry, just now: “Is Mom-O talking to Germans?”
Me: “Yep.”
Finn: “No! Nein nein nein nein!!”
- “Moin moin moin moin moin moin!” says Finn.
- Creatures:
- “I’m a Clark, Dad-O,” Henry reports.
“You’re a… ‘Clark’?,” I ask.
“Yeah. In the dark, in a park.” #OneFishTwoFish - I overhear Finn yelling at a strange green seed pod: “Get over here, you darn… Boba Fett!”
- “What’s that guy, Dad-O?”
“It’s a daddy longlegs.”
“And that one?”
“Uh… that’s a daddy fatbutt.”
I am a tremendous educational resource.
- “I’m a Clark, Dad-O,” Henry reports.
- Chaos:
- “You need to look after me, Dad-O,” Finn tells me, “or”–eyes twinkling–“I might have to cause *mayhem*!”
- Finn helpfully corrects my reading of an ABC book: “M is for ‘Mayhem,’ V is for ‘Volvo,’ and P is for ‘Pee!'”