Birthdays Milestones Photos

“Finnegan Nack, Now with Cuatro!”

Happy B-day to our Fantastic Four-Year-Old!! We’ve had a great day celebrating the Finnster’s cumpleaños with his Nack grandparents, and we can’t wait to dive into tomorrow’s party, piñata, and fire truck cake. He was so excited about his Lego birthday present that he literally spun out of control, doing a donut by the couch! 😀 We’ll share more photos and videos soon; for now, here’s that moment of ecstasy (click it for larger):

One reply on ““Finnegan Nack, Now with Cuatro!””

Breath the pure joy of it all in and savor every minute:_right now!_ Kindergarten will be here all too soon. Savor the sweet smell of: That good night kiss on a 4-year old scrumptious chubby cheek, The love of trucks, Legos, Dinosaurs and All other fabulous boy things like dirt, being rough and tumble and that elusive “boy smell”. What can you give him now? What you have already:The unslakeable thirst of the pursuit of imagination, The basic building blocks of critical thinking and a broad vocabulary, and the love of life itself. You and Margot are amazing indeed. Bravo Mom and Dad: Bravo, indeed! –From, the mother of a 16-year old (Who’s only regret in life is scaring a young and lovely Finny by introducing him to “Goodnight, Gorilla” too soon. Goodnight lovely Finn. Goodnight and have a grand life indeed my fine lad!)

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