- Henry can officially sit up! With Mom-O at the store, Finn & I put the little guy down for the evening–or so we thought. He fussed pretty hard, and while Finny & I watched via the “Gooniecam,” the wee man sat up (twice) in his crib. Way to go, buddy!
- Putting a pair of sippy cups at the end of his bed tonight, Finn dubbed them “Cousins! That one Patrick & that one Charlie! Patrick the leche. Gotta drink some of that Patrick… now drink some Charlie (agua).”
- For the first time I noticed Henry helping to get his shirt on and off. Not to be outdone, Finn grabbed Henry’s discarded shirt and put it over his head unaided. After we squeezed him into it fully, he kicked up the insanity by donning my used black dress socks–thus pairing a crop-top doggie tee with knee-high leggings. As Finn might say, “That a weird lookin’ boy right there!”