I know I’m supposed to rest when the baby rests, but now is one of those instances where I’m absolutely wide awake, and it’s too warm to sleep, so it’s just not going to happen. Thankfully Henry afforded me a couple of really decent naps today so I am not as desperately tired as I could be. And John is doing a wonderful job with Finny–they are pretty much keeping their own schedule and Henry and I drop in for a visit as often as we can (when we’re not napping, or he’s not nursing). Right now John’s got Henry snoozing on his lap.
Finn’s starting to relax about Dad-o having some Henry time. He’s not bursting into instant tears or whining every time he sees Dad holding the baby, and we are trying to explain that Henry gets to spend time with *all* of us, not just Mom-o. He’ll get there in time.
We visit Dr. S. tomorrow for our first check-up. We’ll also talk to her about the results of Henry’s kidney ultrasound, which showed a bit too much fluid on his left kidney. This means we have to take him in for some additional tests, because the risk is urinary or kidney infection if the duct from his kidney is not working properly. There are degrees of seriousness to the condition–it may resolve itself, or it may require surgical intervention to place a stent in the duct. We’ll know more in the coming weeks. Right now he is on a preventative dose of antibiotics to fend off any potential infection.
We are extremely fortunate to be getting meals delivered every night from the Moms’ group I’m in. It is wonderful to have hot, delicious food available with no effort–I would strongly recommend a second pregnancy to any of the moms in the group! So far we’re 4 for 4 on getting brownies for dessert 🙂